The Popular Union of Occitania has a rather open diplomatic policy, relations are made on a case by case basis and there are no restrictions, except with the virtual micronations. Occitania has opened more than fifty diplomatic relations. The UPO is an active member several international organization, including the GUM, the IADP and the MicroFrancophonie. There is also an Occitanian Commonwealth who gathers micronations sharing strong diplomatic, historical, political or cultural ties with the Popular Union of Occitania. Around the world, Occitania has four embassies, in Japan, Spain, United States and Venezuela. The occitanian neutrality is included in its constitution.
Occitania has actually four embassies, in Japan, Spain, Venezuela and United States
International Organisations
Occitanian Commonwealth
The Occitanian Commonwealth, also known by the acronym OC, is an intergovernmental organisation of 3 member states, who share strong diplomatic, historical, political or cultural ties with the Popular Union of Occitania.
The Occitanian Commonwealth was created on July 30, 2017 by the President of Occitania, Babou Chkaya and the President of the Ruterias Federation, Vladimir Novikov. The links between the two leaders were already very strong, indeed part of this Ruterias Federation had been integrated in Occitania (Himeji). On the same day, Artinia joined the Commonwealth.
The Occitanian Commonwealth is handled by the Head of the Commonwealth, who is elected every three months by the head of states of the member countries.